
Showing posts from December, 2017

Non Commercial Art

This image from the PDNEDU immediately stole my attention. This image to me, seems so real. There isn't anything indicating that this image was staged. It captures human emotion and the exhaustion of a new parent. Jay Maisel photographed this as part of his idea to capture photographic life. It seems that this was not commissioned but still very well thought out. The use of warm colors here really makes the life stand out and bring you in. Asymmetrical balance draws your eyes to the baby pictured first but only gets more interesting the deeper you look at the photo.

Symbolic Colors

In my opinion, this generic image of the American Flag swaying on this barn symbolized so much more than just 4th of July. The imagery used here portrays the story behind the hard-working American with nothing but patriotism. Symbolically, red-white and blue are being used here to portray 4th of July without writing it out specifically. This image, too, can be located in the Photographer's FORUM from artist Cheyenne L. Rouse.

Color Discord

I found this image to be particularly intriguing in the colors that are pictured here. The teal/orange/navy color scheme is the closest I related to color discord. I think this image still works because although the hues are different with each color, I can still appreciate the art because the saturation and brightness of each other color seems close enough to make the overall unity of this piece work. Taken by Cheyenne L. Rouse, this image can be found in Photographer's FORUM Fall 2013 edition on page 45.