While reading a small book that I had found during open lab, I located this picture of flatirons for a shoe manufacturing company. When I first was glancing at this photo I didn't give much thought about what an excellent example of depth this is. This photo, although such a simple concept, shows more than what we can just see, and in such an eloquent way that I had almost over looked it. I can not only see the closest flatiron, but I can also see rows and rows of them lined up so neatly. It's interesting because when photographing depth, you can see begin to see images further back in the composition becoming smaller and smaller but this photo is so well done that it never looses focus, even five rows behind because a greater depth of field was used. The artist here chose to photograph all of these objects and gave them just as much importance as the one next to it. This shows that other aspects are just as important and forces you to look at the environment as a whole compared to just seeing one object. This image therefore provides viewers with the illusion of depth in the photo. This photo was taken by Albert Renger-Patzsch and is featured in the book 'Still Life Photography'
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